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The epidermis is the surface layer of the skin. It is made up of cells called keratinocytes, which produce keratin, a resistant protein that protects the skin from external aggressions. The epidermis also contains pigment cells (melanocytes), immune cells (Langerhans cells) and touch cells (Merkel cells).

acide hyluronique, Beauté, Collagène, cosmétique Bio, Gestes beauté, la peau, Santé, Soin anti-âge, teint terne, vieillissant

Skincare products can firm and tighten skin, but they don't work as much as they say on labels or as cosmetic industry sellers...


UFC-Que Choisir has highlighted more than a thousand references which contain one or more substances deemed “at risk” (irritants, allergens, endocrine disruptors, etc.).


Acronym SPF is regulated and cannot be used randomly. Therefore, whether it is an oil, a cream, a milk, a mist or a foundation, the protection will be the same.

Beauté, Santé

  La peau, cet organe fascinant et complexe, est le miroir de notre vie et évolue significativement avec le temps....

Beauté, beauté naturelle, Collagène, cosmétique Bio, rajeunissement, Santé, Soin anti-âge, teint terne, vieillissant

Comment choisir le meilleur produit pour votre peau ? Découvrez comment identifier le soin idéal parmi la multitude d'options disponibles. Comprenez que chaque type de peau réagit différemment et apprenez les indicateurs clés pour déterminer si un produit est adapté à votre peau. Simplifiez votre routine de soin avec nos conseils d'experts.

Beauté, beauté naturelle, cosmétique Bio, Gestes beauté, rajeunissement, Santé, Soin anti-âge

Faced with the challenges of aging, it is important to recognize and experience each phase of life with positivity and...

beauté naturelle, cosmétique Bio, émancipation féminine, Gestes beauté, ménopause, milieu de vie, rajeunissement, Santé, Soin anti-âge

At Nature Effiscience, a cosmetic brand recognized for its natural and effective products, we are committed to offering safe and...

acide hyluronique, Beauté, Gestes beauté, Philosophie, Santé, Soin anti-âge

Lavender, with its captivating purple flowers and soothing scent, is much more than just an ornamental plant. Used since Antiquity...

Beauté, Santé, Soin anti-âge